Coyote Ugly

the devoted | blessed by the oracle


Coyote finds solace in the little things: a good meal, a good fight, good friends, and plenty of time to read. He keeps much to himself, but his home is always open to those who need a safe place to stay and a warm meal.
While few places are safer than behind his shield, his true comfort lies in the warmth of a full table.

Coyote is 26, born on the 22nd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon. His patron is Oschon, the Wanderer. He's 6'11" and has little patience for politics, save for in the presence of close friends. His favorite color is baby blue.


Born into a tribe that had long resisted Garlean rule, Coyote's calico fur marked him as a future queen - meant to carry the torch into the future for his tribe. As such, Coyote spent much of his youth in training, learning the ways of queens and the inevitability of his "rule". Hrothgar customs barely maintained in the 35 years since Garlean occupation, yet important to the heart of their people. As the years went on and he grew older, those customs were instilled in his core.

And yet, Queenhood was a life he never wanted, one he thought himself ill-suited for. The yoke of responsibility weighed heavy on his neck. Young and selfish, he dreamt of a life away from the suffocating grip of expectation and oppression. It took surprisingly little effort to make that dream a reality: just the right amount of tinkering and placement, and he convinced his tribe of his death. With Garlemald focusing on its invasion of Eorzea at Carteneau, their forces were lax in Ilsabard, making an escape that much easier.

Travelling between countries, many of which were wrought with the horrors of the Garlean Empire much as his home was, Coyote began to regret ever leaving. But by then, he'd already committed to his actions and pushed further south, eventually finding himself in Thanalan. It's no small wonder he became a gladiator, finding equal parts fulfillment and atonement upon the bloodsands.

The Story Continues

A Realm Reborn
Joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn marked a drastic shift in Coyote's life. The man he was before - riddled with guilt for his own selfish actions, now years behind him - gave way to one more solid, more willing. His close relationship with Minfilia and deep admiration for Nanamo reminded him of what he could have been, the responsibilities he shirked. They reminded him that he could be better, and more than what he was.

Grief-stricken and hurt as the Scions were chased from Ul'dah, a place Coyote once considered a home, he swore to himself he wouldn't lose anyone - abandon anyone - ever again.
Loss is something Coyote's familiar with. It's never far from him, and it settles itself across his shoulders like a shawl that invites the biting cold in instead of driving it out. He turned his focus to those still within arm's reach - Alphinaud, Hilda, Aymeric - and those who returned, for however long it lasted.

All he could do was take time for himself, and redouble his efforts to make sure his loved ones know they were loved.
bitch what the fuck


Hey there! I'm Ripley & I'm 22!
I've got plenty of experience RPing, but I'm pretty new to FFXIV RP. I'm happy to give it a try! Keep it clean and I'll gladly interact.
Feel free to ask for my personal twitter, discord, etc!